Monday, August 23, 2010

Peek-a-BOO! There you are!

"POST SOMETHING" is the exact demand I received from my sister.
I know, I know... I haven't kept up with my blog.
Where have I been, you ask?

I've been scanning family and high school photos.
During this summer, I've scanned almost 2,000 high school negatives.

I've found gems of my best friends:

I've also found great old family shots (who gives a baby a cigar?  MY family)

And a few great early shots of my husband (I would say, "pre-gray hair", but he still doesn't have any). Look how cute he is! I really dated him for his awesome sense of humor and sweetness... the good looks were a bonus.

I've also transitioned into a few other rolls this summer. As of this Friday, my roll as "Room Mom" at the daycare is over (yay!). I've added Big-Sis coordinator to my Mothers of Multiples responsibilities, which also include "Web Mistress" (a title I enjoy more than the job).

So, it isn't that my blog has been ignored... it is that I'm trying to prioritize.

Why am I updating now?
My scanner is broken.
I believe that after 6,000+ scanned images, I've finally burned out the bulb...which is shockingly difficult to replace.

With that, I'll promise more updates on the girls and our adventures... until I get the scanner working, again.
I mean, who wouldn't want to see more of THIS?!


Courtney said...

Yay for blog posts! Is it insulting that I'm reading your blog while watching The Bachelor Pad?

But, you know, what we really want pictures of is little girls in princess dresses. If only you had some of those. Pictures? Girls? Princess Dresses? Yes, all three, please.

My "word verification" for posting this comment is "quetchi." Wouldn't it be cool if you could choose the word verifications? Because I'm embarrassed of what this word might mean.

MissNoAngel (find me on Twitter) said...

Yippie for new posts! Wow, you sound busy lady. Love the pics. ;)